Friday, December 11, 2009

Best of the '00s in TV

/ On : 6:24 AM/ Terimakasih telah menyempatkan waktu untuk berkunjung di BLOG saya yang sederhana ini. Semoga memberikan manfaat meski tidak sebesar yang Anda harapakan. untuk itu, berikanlah kritik, saran dan masukan dengan memberikan komentar. Jika Anda ingin berdiskusi atau memiliki pertanyaan seputar artikel ini, silahkan hubungan saya lebih lanjut via e-mail di
Like every other TV critic on the planet, I've spent much of the last month preparing my list of the best TV shows of the last decade. In the end, my resolve was too weak to limit it to a single list - even if I were to do 30-plus entries the way Fienberg has been doing all month - and so get ready for what James Poniewozik calls the "Everybody gets a trophy!" approach.

So go read the introduction, where I muse a bit on why the '00s were so awesome, and lay out the groundrules for the lists, and then follow that to my lists of:
While I agonized over some choices - and have a feeling that a few of my selections (and/or omissions) will draw ire around here - it was a lot of fun to revisit all the shows I loved over the last 10 years, and to search for the best video clips to represent each one. I didn't always succeed in that ("House" season 1 footage was awfully hard to come by), but hopefully you'll have some fun wasting your day or weekend reading and watching all of what I put together.

And in case you're wondering what would be my top show regardless of genre or other sub-category, well... look at the picture I included here.

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