So, bottom three: Tim Urban, Paige Miles and Lacey Brown. Tim, unsurprisingly, sent back to safety first (we're stuck with his floppy hair for at least a month, I'm guessing), and then Lacey has the lowest vote...
... but first we have to sit through the farce that is the return of The Judges Save, one of the dumbest format changes the show has yet instituted, and one I had hoped we would never hear from again after it was such a bust last year.
Alas, we're stuck with it, until either one of the four favorites is a shocking boot at, like, Top 8, or until we get so deep into the season that the producers and judges feel they have to use on someone of Matt Giraud quality. And in the meantime, everyone has to pretend like they might use it this early, on somebody like Lacey.
One slight improvement to the Save: instead of having to sing the song that got them the least votes the night before, the contestants are apparently allowed to pick any song they've done so far this season (I'm sure they tell the band in advance which one they'll do if it's their turn). The whole thing's still totally bogus, but this at least makes the lie seem more plausible.
Lacey wasn't the worst last night, but she was unmemorable, and that's the worst thing that can happen to you on "Idol." Question is: does the elimination of Lilly and Lacey in back-to-back weeks mean Didi has smooth sailing for a while now that she's alone in her niche, or that the viewers are gunning for the women who sing this way, and she's next?
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