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In today's column, I review HBO's
"The Pacific," which is going to be one of my big obsessions for this spring:
Midway through HBO’s 10-part World War II epic "The Pacific," a group of frightened Marines try to take their minds off of combat by talking about family vacations. One mentions that his father always said of the Grand Canyon, "You have to see it to understand." The family eventually went there, and, the private explains, "My dad was right. Pictures don’t show it. You have to be there, looking down into it."
Most viewers of "The Pacific" won’t have actually witnessed the brutal combat on small islands like Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima and Okinawa. But the moving (in every sense of the word) pictures of the miniseries do an incredible job of making the viewer feel like they’re looking down into the real thing.
You can
read "The Pacific" review here. I'll have a behind-the-scenes feature tomorrow, and then episode-by-episode reviews every Sunday night.
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